

Idaho Elk, Mule Deer and Black Bear Blog

Here you will find information about our Idaho Elk, Mule Deer and Black Bear hunts. We will also blog about our area, as special offers, issues that affect us or are important to us.

Successful Spring Bear Hunt

Idaho’s 2025 Spring Black Bear Season is Just Around the Corner

I know, I know, the holidays just got over and it is still cold and white outside, but what a perfect time to begin thinking about what is truly important, where are you going to hunt spring bear this season? Idaho’s 2025 spring bear season, I predict, is going to be one for the record books. Why? I am so glad you asked.

Idaho Big Game Application Season 2024

Let the games begin! This year it seems as though it took almost missing the application deadline and then finding out 2 short weeks later that I drew an Idaho spring turkey tag, to realize, oh, yeah, it is “application season” in the western states and Idaho is not exempt from this seasonal activity. I guess I am showing my age when I can say, “I remember when you just bought a tag and went hunting”. But sadly, those days are indeed behind us now. Here in Idaho, though we are still blessed enough to have over the counter or “OTC” tags available, some zones do require even residents to plan ahead and purchase as soon as they come available.

Winter 23-24 Predator Hunting (Mt. Lion/Wolf/Bobcat)

It’s winter again here in Idaho and that can only mean one thing! Wyley can’t function without thinking about chasing mountain lions! I swear the boy was born for this and simply wants to do it as often as possible. What does that mean for you? It is time to book that Idaho predator hunt you have always been talking or thinking about but haven’t pulled the trigger on. We have openings for 2 more hunters this winter (2023-2024) between now and when the snow quits flying.
A 2022 Successful Spring Bear Hunt

Cure Cabin Fever with an Idaho Spring Bear Hunt

The first day of spring is officially here! It has been a long time coming and it can mean only 1 thing: Idaho Spring bear hunting season 2023 is literally only days away! With this winter feeling like it has been the longest winter in the history of all mankind…at least here in Challis, Idaho, cabin fever is running rampant, and we are ready to get out, start setting bear baits, shoeing horses and mules, riding colts, setting camps and simply enjoying watching mother nature come back to life after a long winter’s siesta.
Tia and Foster leading a pack string

It’s Easier to Find Your Favorite When There’s Lots of Choices

Hi, my name is Tia Hansen (daughter of Kelly Swingruber and George McQuiston). Mom is the head packer and George is the owner of Wild Idaho Outfitters and Castle Creek Outfitters. Mom and I ride about 2,000 miles a year from packing bear bait to taking people for a joy ride and to getting people with their gear to drop camps and back plus packing dead animals.
Kelly leading a pack string

How Long You Been Doin This?

I frequently get asked the question, “How long have you been doing this?”. By this, I take it to mean packing a multiplicity of goods on mules and horses in the wilderness and back country. Or do they mean throwing a leg over a horse/mule and riding? My “ending up as a packer” has a long history of knowledge bumps & bruises, joys & happiness, extreme heat & cold, a plethora of scenic beauty and of course a stream of cuss words over the years.
Heath's Triple Crown 2022

Working for Idaho Wildlife

What we hoped to accomplish in 1 week took almost 13 months and 3 trips to Idaho, but it finally happened. Heath F. is an avid hunter and wanted to pursue predators and wanted to get what we would deem the “Triple Crown” of lower 48 predators in the form of a wolf, black bear, and mountain lion. He sought us out and in early January 2021 he came out on a predator hunt for all three and we were successful in getting him a wolf.
Castle Creek Horses in the Snow

Ultimate Hunt Combo Possibilities

This year, for the first time ever, we are offering what I would consider an ultimate hunting combo. In our Castle Creek Outfitters area, we have a very unique opportunity to hunt more species at one time than I am aware of anywhere, especially considering most hunts are closed by this time and most people are relegated to sofa surfing, watching hunting channels and patiently waiting for next season. December, in area 28 of central Idaho only, one can hunt (provided they have the proper tags) elk AND deer with archery equipment. This time frame allows for harvest of either sex of both species, increasing your odds of success with a bow.