
Idaho Elk, Mule Deer and Black Bear Blog

Here you will find information about our Idaho Elk, Mule Deer and Black Bear hunts. We will also blog about our area, as special offers, issues that affect us or are important to us.

A 2022 Successful Spring Bear Hunt

Cure Cabin Fever with an Idaho Spring Bear Hunt

The first day of spring is officially here! It has been a long time coming and it can mean only 1 thing: Idaho Spring bear hunting season 2023 is literally only days away!

With this winter feeling like it has been the longest winter in the history of all mankind…at least here in Challis, Idaho, cabin fever is running rampant, and we are ready to get out, start setting bear baits, shoeing horses and mules, riding colts, setting camps and simply enjoying watching mother nature come back to life after a long winter’s siesta.

If you haven’t made plans for your Idaho spring bear hunt yet, you are in luck! We still have a few openings for this spring, and they are indeed a sure cure for cabin fever. We offer hunts from Sunday through Friday beginning early May and can accommodate groups up to 4, 6 if it is all in one party. We love seeing kids and women in camp and can reserve a full camp for your family outing. Non hunting observers are always welcome with hunters in our camps as well.

If you have already made plans and find yourself in need of quality affordable bear bait, check out our inventory of affordable bulk bear bait. If you are simply heading out to the woods to hunt bears spot and stalk or have already engaged the services of another outfitter, then best of luck to you! Take lots of pictures, take time to soak it all in and most of all, take a kid hunting with you if you can! Remember, someone once took you hunting for the first time!

Contact us today about scheduling you for your 2023 Idaho spring bear hunt with Castle Creek Outfitters or Wild Idaho Outfitters, your bulk bear bait needs, bear baiting tactics or to simply talk Idaho hunting. It is certainly one of our favorite subjects!

Happy Hunting,


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