

Idaho Elk, Mule Deer and Black Bear Blog

Here you will find information about our Idaho Elk, Mule Deer and Black Bear hunts. We will also blog about our area, as special offers, issues that affect us or are important to us.

Camden Powell
Camden Powell

My journey to become a part of Castle Creek started back in high school when I started shoeing horses with Caleb Bergeleen all over Texas. By the time Caleb and I started shoeing together, he and George had already been working together for almost 10 years, so it was only a matter of time until I met George.

When I first met George he offered me a job as camp jack in the Bookcliff mountains in Utah- I couldn't say yes fast enough and I’ve been hooked ever since. I woke up to that first mountain sunrise with a full day of wilderness to explore. Back then, I had no experience and absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into, but I knew I had to go.

There's just something about the pull of the mountains that I could feel all the way from Texas... If you're reading this, I'm guessing that's a feeling you understand as well.

That was how it all started for me; I was still in my senior year of high school, and the only thing that I knew was that I was jumping into the unknown. I was expecting excitement, I was expecting to be the rush of living in the wilderness, and I may have been expecting a few stories to rival those of Teddy Roosevelt himself


The End of Winter and the beginning of Spring Bear Hunts

Anybody else getting antsy yet? I sure as hell am. Stuck working in the cold and watching the weather roll in everyday, just daydreaming of spring. Down here in Texas we don't get “spring fever” the same as our friends up north. The grass has been green mostly all year, and we have only had a few days that dropped below 30. But I still get worked up being stuck down here in the mud. I want to be in the mountains.
Castle Rock

A Lifelong Dream Fulfilled

We have a big announcement to share with all of you! Castle Creek Outfitters has come under new ownership! We will be offering quality Elk and Mule Deer, and Spring and Fall Black Bear Hunts, in the Salmon-Challis National Forest in Eastern Idaho. We look forward to getting to know all of you as we begin this new journey.