
Idaho Elk, Mule Deer and Black Bear Blog

Here you will find information about our Idaho Elk, Mule Deer and Black Bear hunts. We will also blog about our area, as special offers, issues that affect us or are important to us.

Flag in camp at night

Happy 4th of July

It is my opinion that the only thing (possibly) better than sharing a hunting camp with good family and friends could be a good old-fashioned family gathering and it seems like the 4th is one of the best times for such an event.

We hope you celebrate this 4th with family and friends safely and always remember why we celebrate this day.

America is still good in spite of much of the nonsense that is going on in our political climate.

The most incredible thing (again in my opinion) is our public lands system. Public access to literally millions of acres in this country is what makes me look out the window and smile and have the gratitude that it exists.

So, celebrate with family and enjoy your day and/or long weekend. If you get to do it on public lands, it is even better!

Happy 4th!


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