
Idaho Elk, Mule Deer and Black Bear Blog

Here you will find information about our Idaho Elk, Mule Deer and Black Bear hunts. We will also blog about our area, as special offers, issues that affect us or are important to us.


Idaho Big Game Application Season 2024

Let the games begin! This year it seems as though it took almost missing the application deadline and then finding out 2 short weeks later that I drew an Idaho spring turkey tag, to realize, oh, yeah, it is “application season” in the western states and Idaho is not exempt from this seasonal activity.

I guess I am showing my age when I can say, “I remember when you just bought a tag and went hunting”. But sadly, those days are indeed behind us now. Here in Idaho though, while we are still blessed enough to have over the counter or “OTC” tags available, some zones do require even residents to plan ahead and purchase as soon as they come available.

Although we do still have many OTC opportunities, there is indeed still a need to draw for the “trophy” species as Idaho labels them. Some states refer to them as “OIL” or “once in a lifetime tags” and that is the reason for this gentle reminder.

Coming up in April is the time to apply for sheep, mountain goat and moose here in Idaho and this year we are offering guided sheep and moose hunts for anyone lucky enough to draw a bighorn sheep or moose in one of our outfitting areas.

Oddly enough, although we seem to see mountain goats each year, we operate in one of the areas where no goat tags are issued, so we don’t have the opportunity to pursue that species, but if you have interest in one of the others, either moose or sheep and are not sure where to apply, where we operate or even just want to talk hunting, contact us and we will happily discuss which hunts we believe will work for you!

As always, happy hunting and be sure to take a kid along with you!

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