
Idaho Elk, Mule Deer and Black Bear Blog

Here you will find information about our Idaho Elk, Mule Deer and Black Bear hunts. We will also blog about our area, as special offers, issues that affect us or are important to us.

Successful Spring Bear Hunt

Idaho’s 2025 Spring Black Bear Season is Just Around the Corner

I know, I know, the holidays just got over and it is still cold and white outside, but what a perfect time to begin thinking about what is truly important, where are you going to hunt spring bear this season?

Idaho’s 2025 spring bear season, I predict, is going to be one for the record books. Why? I am so glad you asked.

1. First, last fall’s berry crop was non-existent. Bears were out late scrounging for whatever they could find to eat and probably even cheering on would be deer and elk hunters, so that they could take a turn at a gut pile for some pre-winter calories.

2. Because of such a lackluster berry crop last fall, I predict that the bears will exit their dens far earlier than “normal” this year seeking to pick up on some lost calories from last fall.

3. This winter has started slow and continued so far to be very mild. What does that have to do with bears you ask? Now I am no biologist, but without heavy snow, big game survival (deer, elk, and antelope) will hopefully be much greater than usual leaving not that many carcasses for bears exiting their winter slumber hideouts to eat, so they head out on a journey for food that they will certainly find in abundance at our bait sites.

4. We will have lots of those bait sites loaded heavily with some of the best tasting (yes, of course we taste our bear bait) icings and sugar laden goodies you can imagine. A hungry bear will not be able to resist them, and we will keep the baits full, so the bears always have goodies to come back to!

5. If, on the off chance we get one of those sneaky nocturnal type bears, we will have dogs on hand as back up in case the need arises to get the job done.

6. Oftentimes, bear baiting gets a bad rap from the nonhunting world, but studies have proven that bear baiting is the best way to protect females with their young as new babies are almost always right at their momma’s side as she fills her belly at our bait sites. These females with cubs are protected and add an additional level of enjoyment in just enjoying watching “the show” as the cubs learn to navigate the woods with their mothers.

So, as you find yourself getting back to “normal” life after the holidays, why don’t you break up the daily doldrums by asking one of your coworkers, friends, relatives or best of all one of your own kids, nieces or nephews if they would like to join you out in Idaho for an opportunity at one of Idaho’s famous color phase black bears and Contact Us to book your hunt.

Hope to see you in the woods! And, as always, remember to take a kid hunting!

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