1 May Idaho Controlled-Hunt Application Period for Elk, Deer, Antelope, and Fall Bear Opens May 1st May 1, 2020By Joe Cavanaugh Announcements, General Information, Guided Hunts, Idaho Black Bear Hunts, Idaho Elk Hunts, Idaho Mule Deer Hunts Black Bear Hunts, Deer Hunts, Elk Hunts, Idaho Hunts 0 The tag application period for Idaho controlled-hunt elk, deer, pronghorn, and fall bear tags opens May 1 and runs to June 5. Idaho does not use a bonus/preference point system for controlled hunts. As a result, hunters have the same odds of drawing a tag the first year they apply as they do any other year. To apply, residents and nonresidents must have a general hunting license, and pay an application fee of $6.25 for residents and $14.75 for nonresidents—per species. Unlike many other states, the cost of the tag is not paid for upfront in Idaho, instead they are purchased after the applicant has drawn. Successful applicants are notified by July 10, and tags must be purchased by August 1. Any tags that are not purchased by August 1 will be forfeited to a second application period, which runs from August 5 to August 15. Hunters who have already applied for a moose, bighorn sheep or mountain goat controlled hunt this year may not apply for any other controlled hunt (during the same year). Castle Creek Outfitters operates in Unit 28, where there is an excellent, late-season, controlled-hunt for mule deer, which runs from October 10, all the way through the rut, to November 30 (Hunt 1018). This hunt has produced some outstanding bucks in the past. There are only 5 tags available however, and competition is fierce. (In controlled hunts with 10 or fewer tags, not more than one nonresident tag is issued). Castle Creek Outfitters also receives 1 “outfitter allocation tag” for this hunt, which is in high demand. There are no controlled-hunt, elk tags or bear tags for Unit 28, as they are all sold over the counter. Nonresident deer and elk tags are also valid to take black bear, mountain lion, or gray wolf instead of a deer or elk, if a general season is open for that species. For detailed information and statistics on Idaho controlled hunts click on this link: https://idfg.idaho.gov/rules/big-gameThe Wyoming deer and pronghorn tag application period closes June 1 and results come out June 18. The state of Wyoming allows you to purchase preference points only for deer, pronghorn, elk, moose and sheep from July 1 to November 2. Good hunting, Joe Cavanaugh Related Posts Idaho Spring Black Bear Hunting The application deadline for Idaho controlled-hunt, spring bear tags is February 15. Fortunately for all of us, most Idaho black bear tags are sold over-the-counter (OTC). This includes tags for units 28 and 27, where Castle Creek and Wild Idaho Outfitters conduct their bear hunts. The reduced-price or “wilderness tag” is good for all of Unit 27 and those portions of Unit 28 within the Frank Church Wilderness, as well as within most designated wilderness areas in the state of Idaho. Idaho’s 2025 Spring Black Bear Season is Just Around the Corner I know, I know, the holidays just got over and it is still cold and white outside, but what a perfect time to begin thinking about what is truly important, where are you going to hunt spring bear this season? Idaho’s 2025 spring bear season, I predict, is going to be one for the record books. Why? I am so glad you asked. Cure Cabin Fever with an Idaho Spring Bear Hunt The first day of spring is officially here! It has been a long time coming and it can mean only 1 thing: Idaho Spring bear hunting season 2023 is literally only days away! With this winter feeling like it has been the longest winter in the history of all mankind…at least here in Challis, Idaho, cabin fever is running rampant, and we are ready to get out, start setting bear baits, shoeing horses and mules, riding colts, setting camps and simply enjoying watching mother nature come back to life after a long winter’s siesta. Idaho Trophy Species Tags: Open for Application April 1 – April 30 The tag application period for Idaho trophy species (moose/sheep/goat) runs from April 1st to April 30th. In comparison to neighboring states, Idaho implements a rather unique tag-allocation system for these species, which offers hunters reasonable odds for drawing a tag and a quality hunting experience. Idaho Big Game Application Season 2024 Let the games begin! This year it seems as though it took almost missing the application deadline and then finding out 2 short weeks later that I drew an Idaho spring turkey tag, to realize, oh, yeah, it is “application season” in the western states and Idaho is not exempt from this seasonal activity. I guess I am showing my age when I can say, “I remember when you just bought a tag and went hunting”. But sadly, those days are indeed behind us now. Here in Idaho, though we are still blessed enough to have over the counter or “OTC” tags available, some zones do require even residents to plan ahead and purchase as soon as they come available. Trophy Species Application Season Opens Up Today April 1st April 1st is one of my favorite times of year because it signifies the “official” opener of Idaho’s spring bear season. It is one our favorite seasons as we are forced to “get off the couch” and into the saddle of some very fine Darling Creek Livestock. We are incredibly proud of the horses and mules we use and raise. We really look forward to getting out and using them and baiting for spring bears is a very good excuse to do that as well as a way to start our young stock by packing. Comment (0) Comments are closed.