The most common question we get when approached by a potential client who is
considering an Idaho Elk, Mule Deer or Bear hunt is some variation of: "What
kind of success rate can be expected?" That is a tough question and we always
answer with the same response: "What does success look like to you?"
Do you consider success to be a legitimate shooting opportunity, or do you define
success as a trek through these pristine woods seeing wilderness and a caliber of
animals that most hunters only get to dream of? Is success only defined by a filled
tag or solely measured by seeing Boone and Crockett quality of animals every day?
Only you can know what a successful hunt will look and feel like for you, but each
and every one of us at Castle Creek Outfitters is 100% committed to making sure
each one of our clients has the most successful hunt possible.
We completely understand the cost of these hunts financially, physically, emotionally,
and mentally. We also understand that many of us live off the spoils of our hunts
all year, and use this to feed our friends and family. With that said, it's hard
to feed a family with an unfilled Idaho elk, mule deer or bear tag! That’s why the
Castle Creek Outfitters promise is that we will go the extra mile every single day
because we know that by so doing we increase the odds in our favor for a filled
Granted, Idaho elk or mule deer hunting is one of the most demanding hunts out
there today, not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally- possibly rivaled
only by sheep and goat hunts. So ultimately the success rate depends on you, our
hunter. If you come in fully aware that the majority of the success of your hunt
is under your personal control, then your success rate is already in the top 10%.
When you come to camp, where are you emotionally and mentally? Where are you
physically? These are giant factors that come into play when we talk success rates
and you are in total control of that!
Hunting in the Rockies is physically demanding. If you think you’re in good physical
shape, the Rockies will challenge you. If you’re not in good physical shape, it
doesn’t mean that you can’t do a hunt, it just means that you need to prepare yourself,
mentally and emotionally, for the challenges and the thrill of hunting in some of
God’s most beautiful, and physically challenging, terrain. Emotionally, are you
willing and able to leave difficulties in your home life (i.e. relationship problems,
work stress, new house being built) at home? We’ve seen far too many hunts wrecked
because the client wasn’t able to get their "head in the game" because
their head was so trapped in the difficulties going on back home.
Now once again this is your hunt, so whatever you want/need for a successful
hunt (within reason, of course) is what we are committed to doing our best to ensure!
If you want to come up here into God's country to relax in a warm wall-tent, enjoy
delicious camp food, bask in the beautiful scenery, and just catch up on some rest
and relaxation - come on! After all, there's simply no better sleep than listening
to snow fall outside of a wall-tent, while a fire crackles in a stove 5 feet away.
So whether you challenge yourself and push your limits - physically, mentally,
and emotionally - or you just want to get away from the daily grind and submerge
yourself into some of nature’s most pristine wilderness (or some combination of
the two!), we are here to help you be successful!